How to Create a New Year, New You Routine That Helps You Reach Your Goals

How to Create a New Year, New You Routine That Helps You Reach Your Goals

We thrive when we set goals and achieve them, so creating a New Year, New You routine that encompasses all aspects of wellness will help you live your best, healthiest life. Having a well-rounded routine that incorporates movement and fitness, nutritious eating habits, proper rest and relaxation, stress management, and mental health practices helps to ensure that you are taking care of yourself in all areas.

 We personally love to incorporate nootropics into our daily routine


Create an actionable plan to stay motivated and on track 


To organize your dreams and goals, start by writing them down. Make a list of what you want to achieve and break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. With each step, try to create a timeline and plan for when you want to achieve it.

Create a daily to-do list that focuses on what is important and achievable. This should include your every day tasks as a parent and professional as well as tasks that will help you feel happy, healthy and fulfilled. Think about incorporating daily movement and exercise, meditation and relaxation as well as hobbies and interests that make you feel excited and fulfilled.


Create a routine that prioritizes your physical health and wellness that feels good for YOU.


Start by setting a realistic goal - it could be to walk 30 minutes a day, limit caffeine, or drink more water. To make it feel more simple, break a larger goal down into smaller goals, such as a 10 minute yoga session in the morning or by listening to what foods your body needs to feel healthy and creating an intentional shopping list. Initially, fitness and new wellness routines can feel daunting. 

It's incredibly important to find opportunity for exercise and movement that is both fun and recharging. Once you've established a routine, add some variety by finding beautiful places for walks and hikes, try an online workout class or drop into a local yoga session. To add some variety, you could also try something new such as a dance class or martial arts.

Remember to also incorporate time for yourself to stretch and relax. Remember, you deserve meals that are balanced with foods you enjoy and the ones that will help you feel physically and mentally sharp. Don't forget to also add superfoods - we love adaptogens. 

 Committing to regular routines can be both fun and energizing, think mindset over mood!


Take time each day to focus on your mental health and well-being.


Make it a habit when you wake up and before going to sleep to reflect on your thoughts and how your body feels. Mornings and nights are great times to take some time to practice mindfulness and to focus on your breathing and simply be present in the moment.

Start your day by writing down 3 positive affirmations. This can be anything from “I am worthy of love and compassion” to “I am capable of achieving my goals”.

Additionally, take some time to connect with yourself and your emotions, especially after long and stressful days. Reflect on how you’re feeling and identify any emotions you’re experiencing. This will help you recognize and process your emotions and release stress and frustration. Lastly, practice gratitude. Take a few moments to acknowledge the things that you’re grateful for in your life. This ritual will help to cultivate a positive and healthy mindset.


Starting the new year with a routine is a great way to help you focus, increase your productivity and boost your energy levels.


If feeling sleepy, sluggish or unfocused is a personal struggle, consider incorporating supplements into your daily routine to help you to achieve your goals. Supplements created with superfoods, vitamins and other essential nutrients can help you reach your goals faster and more effectively.

Additionally, supplements may help reduce fatigue, support healthy stress levels and the overall function of your body’s systems. A new year, new you routine can help you become your best self and make this year, your best year!

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